Variety - HAES 344
This page on Interpreting Varieties Pages provides information on the terms used below.
HAES 344 is an industry standard variety included in RVT Series 3 for comparison. This page presents information about in the same format as our variety pages to aid growers’ decision making.

Royalty Status | Public Domain (no royalty) |
Early Yield/Ha | Typical |
Later Yield | Consistent |
Kern Recovery | 34 - 39% |
Whole Kernels | |
Kernel Wt | 2.5 - 3.0g |
First Grade | 90 - 100% |
Flower Season | Early to Mid Season |
Harvest Season | Early to Mid Season |
Tree Size | Medium |
Husk Spot | Typical |
Sticktights | Low |
Ethrel Response | Moderate |
Abnorm Vertical (AVG) | Susceptable |
Pollenisers | Unknown |
HAES 344 performed poorly in RVT 3 mostly due to its low kernel recovery.
Observed Benefits
- Healthy tree apart from AVG
Observed Faults
- Poor overall performance
- AVG susceptability makes it an in inappropriate choice for many Northern areas.
Performance in Trials
In RVT Series 3 to year nine, HAES 344 was behind the average of standards at all sites where it was planted. It was not planted at Childers.
Using accumulated Gross Income per Ha as a comparator, on average it was $8,180/Ha behind the standards by year nine of RVT 3.
Note the following table uses mean annual Gross Income/Ha/Yr as opposed to accumulated value above.
Gross Income/Ha/Yr in RVT3 Mean of Years 4 to 9, $5/kg base price | ||
HAES 344 | Mean of 5 Standards | |
Alstonville | $8,710 | $9,922 |
B1 (De Cortez) | $7,735 | $7,908 |
B2 (Booyan) | $9,793 | $11,018 |
B3 (Bundy Sugar) | $7,257 | 7,563 |
B4 (Wirra Willa) | $7,331 | $10,513 |
Gross Income vs Year
(Orange/Green change indicates positive cash flow)

Harvest Patterns
(Yellow sections indicate hand strip)

Our more detailed discussion of RVT Series 3 results is available here.
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